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Paid Online Surveys


Have you ever come across those online surveys that offer to pay you if you take them? I’m sure you didn’t think much of them and maybe even considered them a scam of some sort. Well, guess what, some of them are true. I actually earned $100 for spending a mere five minutes on one of these paid online surveys.

Like most of you, I found in unbelievable at first. I’d never heard of an online survey that actually paid anyone before. It’s amazing to believe that these surveys are actually true. Of course, everything depends on the company that’s initiating the survey – how credible they are in the market, how prompt they are with payments, how consistent they are with remittances, etc – but I have come to realize that paid online surveys are a viable and exciting business opportunity.

I guess I was just plain lucky because I came across this paid online survey totally by chance. I was surfing the net one day and this colorful and attractively designed banner ad caught my attention. I clicked the link, found it to be a paid online survey, and immediately started thinking of all the things which my friends had said about them: they’re a scam, they don’t pay, don’t be a fool, etc. You can imagine that I was skeptical about the whole thing. However, the copy was very professionally written and quite compelling, so much so that I actually found myself doing the survey. Besides, I didn’t have to shell out anything at all to take the survey, so I thought, why not?

I read through the conditions of the paid online survey carefully and discovered that I would actually get paid for my efforts. I followed the instructions it mentioned, created an account and started answering questions. It was the first paid online survey of my life. The questions asked were mostly inquiring about my opinion on the fastfood industry in America.

Of course, like many of you, I was no stranger to the numerous horror stories about paid online surveys that collected your personal information and then sold it to spammers and third party users. Ordinarily, I would not give out my personal information to just anybody online, but this particular survey asked for nothing more than my name and my food preferences. I gave them what they needed, proceeded to take on the survey, and was finished in no time. Shortly thereafter, I was informed by the site that I had just earned one hundred dollars for answering the survey. I was absolutely thrilled.

After that, I logged on to the site as often as I could to participate in as many online surveys as possible. I wasn’t lucky all the time. For instance, some of the surveys targeted people with a certain profile that I didn’t fit, while others targeted people in specific areas. However, overall, I managed to make over a thousand dollars on online surveys in my first month alone. And right now, I’m still earning. Try them for yourself and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Naturally, I was hooked. And kept returning to the site for more paid online surveys. Of course I would be lying if I said that I had similar success each day I filled out paid online surveys. Some of the paid online surveys were not targeted at people like me while others specifically demanded people living in other cities or even states. And not all paid online surveys were five minutes long or paid hundred dollars. But overall, I got to fill up enjoyable paid online surveys, spent relatively little time online and eventually managed to make over a thousand dollars in my first month alone! Paid online surveys had become an income stream for me and my family. Naturally I got them hooked onto it as well and pretty soon, the entire family was filling out paid online surveys and getting paid in cold, hard cash for it. There surely couldn’t be an easier or better way to make money!

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