Greetings! From the Island Outlaw:
I just had to get into the fray! I’m new to this cyberworld you see and I was surfing the web this morning in search of ways to drum up some traffic for my website. I came across a site called which said it was free! And would work to drive lots of traffic to your site. So I followed the instructions on the page and Lo and Behold I discovered it was just a front for a site called owned by one of the so called maketing gurus.
When I decided to contact them to let them know I was on to them Lo and Behold I discovered that they were a front for an even bigger operator. It seems these fellas have learned a lot from Da Boys! It was interesting to note how they waxed eloquent about their integrity and commitment to high standards of business practice.
Now I don’t mind a scoundrel as long as he doesn’t pretend to be something else but I abhorr an operator who makes himself out to be something other than he is. Personally I,d like to see people like that brought low. In time I’m sure they will be. It is an inescapable truth that sooner or later you reap what you sow,unless of course you see the error of your ways and depart from them.
It is difficult though when Integrity has become such a relative term. I’ve never understood why,when there’s plenty to go around that some people want it all for themselves and will resort to whatever means is expediant to get it all for themselves. Initially it angers me, a natural response I’m sure but in the long haul it saddens me and I can’t help but wonder what happens in a persons life to cause such behavior.
Even more troubling than that is what happens when that behavior becomes the norm. I’ve done a lot of surfing around this great big net and found it sorely lacking in the areas of honesty and integrity. Now I’m not saying there isn’t any and to those who do practice these virtues my hat is off to you! And to those who are in search of outfits that do may I suggest several companies that embrace these principles.
These are companies that I have found who are truly interested in creating a better life and a better world for all of us. You can find them on my website: Have a happy and prosperous day!
To your success
Island Outlaw
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